"I full heartedly encourage taking this leap"

My name is Miranda, I am 25 years young, and I am still on a mission to find my life path. That’s where Rory comes in. I don’t believe in coincidences and when I met Rory and found out she was a life coach, I knew I was meant to take her program.

I was in a rough patch of life, you could say. I had just left the only job I had ever known, a toxic one at that, to pursue something that brought me more satisfaction. My adrenals were in complete failure from all the stress I was holding on to. My digestive system basically gave up on me and I was suffering all the consequences. I was dealing with extreme anxiety from anything and everything. I had zero trust left in myself and my abilities. I was constantly worried about how I was perceived by others and I allowed that to dictate my life. I ran around constantly filling up other peoples cups, attempting to win their praise. At the end of the day I had absolutely nothing for myself. I was very set in my masculine ways and, as mentioned above, it took its toll. My mental and physical health were on a rapid decline and I knew it was time to seek out help before it escalated into a downward spiral that I had already experienced years prior. 

With Rory’s help, I got more in touch with my feminine energy. I started to feel my emotions and sit with my past trauma. She taught me ways to release those emotions through journaling, physical movement, and meditation. In her program, I learned how to fuel my body properly; what to add to my diet to keep it running efficiently, what to cut out, how important sleep is, etc. I was always abusing the gym and I learned that it’s a coping mechanism to build “walls” because my boundaries ( or lack thereof) were always being taken advantage of. She taught me that taking a break and being present in the moment was more important than stressing about what happened in the past or what could happen in the future. And boundaries, boundaries, boundaries!! I am fully allowed to have those in place for my own sanity. If I could sum it up, she taught me how to be softer, more intuitive. There is no reason to be flailing around, guns blazing, 24/7. There is a time and a place for the masculine energy, but never forget to let your feminine come up for air. 

Honestly, had I not invested in myself for once, I would still be running around trying to please others at the expense of my own well being. My biggest win was learning to live for myself and love myself. To no longer be worried about what others want from me or think of me because at the end of the day, it all comes down to what makes me happy. 

After those ninety days, I feel like a whole new person. I have said goodbye to my old selves and I am at peace knowing that I am evolving into how I picture my future self to be. I know it may seem scary to want to give yourself a chance for once, but I full heartedly encourage taking this leap of faith for yourself. Use this as your sign to invest in you. I can see where I would have been had I not taken that first step, and I can’t believe that my old self would have settled for that. Life is all about taking chances and living it up to the fullest. Don’t be afraid to fail because you can always get back up and try again. When one door closes, another one opens and this program will get you ready to break down that door. 

Rory, I can’t thank you enough. For the first time in my adult life, I feel confident in all aspects.